Poems of Hồ Xuân Hương : 餅㵢 - The Floating Cake

餅㵢The Floating Cake
My body is white; my fate, softly rounded,
rising and sinking like mountains in streams.
Whatever way hands may shape me,
at center my heart is red and true.
Bánh trôi
Thân em thì trắng, phận em tròn,
Bảy nổi ba chìm mấy nước non.
Rắn nát mặc dầu tay kẻ nặn,
Mà em vẫn giữ tấm lòng son.
Bánh trôi nước (“cake floats in water”) is a little sugary ball of sticky rice – often shaped like birds’ eggs – with a red-bean-paste center. The poem is spoken by a woman. But besides being about a woman’s fate, line two suggests as well the nation’s changeable fate with nước non, “mountains and streams,” the set phrase for “nation.”